Learning Graph Invariance by Harnessing Spuriosity

Published: 22 Jan 2025, Last Modified: 11 Feb 2025ICLR 2025 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Out-of-Distribution Generalization, Invariant Learning, Graph Neural Networks
TL;DR: We investigate the advantages of learning graph invariant features indirectly over existing OOD methods, and propose a learning framework that adopts this indirect learning paradigm for graph OOD generalization.
Abstract: Recently, graph invariant learning has become the _de facto_ approach to tackle the Out-of-Distribution (OOD) generalization failure in graph representation learning. They generically follow the framework of invariant risk minimization to capture the invariance of graph data from different environments. Despite some success, it remains unclear to what extent existing approaches have captured invariant features for OOD generalization on graphs. In this work, we find that representative OOD methods such as IRM and VRex, and their variants on graph invariant learning may have captured a limited set of invariant features. To tackle this challenge, we propose LIRS, a novel learning framework designed to Learn graph Invariance by Removing Spurious features. Different from most existing approaches that _directly_ learn the invariant features, LIRS takes an _indirect_ approach by first learning the spurious features and then removing them from the ERM-learned features, which contains both spurious and invariant features. We demonstrate that learning the invariant graph features in an _indirect_ way can learn a more comprehensive set of invariant features. Moreover, our proposed method outperforms the second-best method by as much as 25.50% across all competitive baseline methods, highlighting its effectiveness in learning graph invariant features.
Primary Area: learning on graphs and other geometries & topologies
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Submission Number: 7198