The Many Faces of Adversarial RiskDownload PDF

Published: 09 Nov 2021, Last Modified: 05 May 2023NeurIPS 2021 PosterReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Adversarial risk, robustness, optimal transport, game theory, Nash equilibrium, 2-alternating capacities, Strassen's theorem, measurable selection theorem, Wasserstein distance, robust statistics
TL;DR: We study adversarial risk from the viewpoints of optimal transport, 2-alternating capacities and game theory, extending some recent results and revealing new connections.
Abstract: Adversarial risk quantifies the performance of classifiers on adversarially perturbed data. Numerous definitions of adversarial risk---not all mathematically rigorous and differing subtly in the details---have appeared in the literature. In this paper, we revisit these definitions, make them rigorous, and critically examine their similarities and differences. Our technical tools derive from optimal transport, robust statistics, functional analysis, and game theory. Our contributions include the following: generalizing Strassen’s theorem to the unbalanced optimal transport setting with applications to adversarial classification with unequal priors; showing an equivalence between adversarial robustness and robust hypothesis testing with $\infty$-Wasserstein uncertainty sets; proving the existence of a pure Nash equilibrium in the two-player game between the adversary and the algorithm; and characterizing adversarial risk by the minimum Bayes error between distributions belonging to the $\infty$-Wasserstein uncertainty sets. Our results generalize and deepen recently discovered connections between optimal transport and adversarial robustness and reveal new connections to Choquet capacities and game theory.
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