Promoting Open Science Hardware through the use of Arduino Kits in Nigeria

24 Jun 2023 (modified: 01 Aug 2023)InvestinOpen 2023 OI Fund SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Funding Area: Capacity building / Construcción de capacidad
Problem Statement: The proposed event(s) will create awareness about Open Science Hardware through the use of Arduino kits and it will bring together beginners, contributors, maintainers, and user communities, fostering relationships and knowledge sharing.
Proposed Activities: The activities will include workshops, webinars, and hackathons focused on implementing best practices for creating awareness about Open Science Hardware through the use of Arduino kits. Several projects involving the Arduino kits will be carried out. Some of these include; Smart Dustbin, Motion-Activated Night Light, Remote Control Light Switch, 4x4x4 LED Cube, Simple clock, and Mood Lamb. These activities will be held within the space of three (3) months. The required resources include; funds, Arduino kits, computers, expert speakers and other materials. The allocated funds will cover event logistics, expert speaker fees, and materials.
Openness: Arduino is an open-source electronics platform that provides an open infrastructure for hardware development. The Arduino hardware and software designs are freely available, allowing anyone to study, modify, and distribute them. The project aims to engage a broader community by actively encouraging participation from scientists, researchers, students, and makers who are interested in open science and hardware development. This will be achieved through organizing workshops, training sessions, and hackathons. The project output will be shared openly, following the principles of open science. This will involve sharing project documentation, hardware designs, software code, and relevant datasets. Platforms like GitHub or other open repositories can be utilized to make these resources freely available to the community.
Challenges: Some of the challenges include venue rental, buying the Arduino kits, promotional materials, refreshments, and paying for expert speakers or trainers. This is why I am seeking funding for the event(s) through this platform.
Neglectedness: Yes, there are other sources of funding available for this type of work. Yes, I have applied before and I applied to GOSH (Gathering for Open Science Hardware) and I got the funding
Success: The success of this proposed work can be measured by the number of individuals, scientists, researchers, students, makers, research institutions, or educational organizations that adopt and actively use Arduino kits for scientific experiments or projects. This can be tracked through sales data, registrations, or user surveys. The success can also be measured by monitoring the growth of the Open Science Hardware community, such as the number of members joining relevant forums, online communities, or social media groups focused on Open Science Hardware and Arduino. Increased community engagement and participation indicate a successful promotion.
Total Budget: $5000
Budget File: pdf
Affiliations: No, it is not.
LMIE Carveout: Yes, my project fits into the Low- and Middle- Income Economies (LMIEs). This is because the location and the entire users, contributors, and maintainers are in Nigeria.
Team Skills: I have a strong understanding of Arduino programming and electronics and I can create projects with Arduino kits. I have hosted a workshop sponsored by GOSH (Gathering for Open Science Hardware) on the use of Arduino kits in promoting Open Science Hardware, so this makes me experienced. I also have strong communication skills that will promote my project and help me engage with various stakeholders. I am able to articulate the importance of Open Science Hardware, explain Arduino concepts to diverse audiences, and foster collaborations.
TLDR: This proposal is aimed at promoting Open Science Hardware through the use of Arduino Kits in Nigeria.
Submission Number: 4