A Fast and Accurate Estimator for Large Scale Linear Model via Data Averaging

Published: 21 Sept 2023, Last Modified: 02 Nov 2023NeurIPS 2023 posterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: Big data, Data averaging, Order statistic, Sampling method, Sketching method.
TL;DR: We propose a new sketching method for large scale linear model based on data averaging, which can achieve a faster convergence rate than the optimal convergence rate for sampling methods.
Abstract: This work is concerned with the estimation problem of linear model when the sample size is extremely large and the data dimension can vary with the sample size. In this setting, the least square estimator based on the full data is not feasible with limited computational resources. Many existing methods for this problem are based on the sketching technique which uses the sketched data to perform least square estimation. We derive fine-grained lower bounds of the conditional mean squared error for sketching methods. For sampling methods, our lower bound provides an attainable optimal convergence rate. Our result implies that when the dimension is large, there is hardly a sampling method can have a faster convergence rate than the uniform sampling method. To achieve a better statistical performance, we propose a new sketching method based on data averaging. The proposed method reduces the original data to a few averaged observations. These averaged observations still satisfy the linear model and are used to estimate the regression coefficients. The asymptotic behavior of the proposed estimation procedure is studied. Our theoretical results show that the proposed method can achieve a faster convergence rate than the optimal convergence rate for sampling methods. Theoretical and numerical results show that the proposed estimator has good statistical performance as well as low computational cost.
Supplementary Material: zip
Submission Number: 12778