Keywords: Regression, Nearest Neighbor, Prototype Learning, Prototype Nearest Neighbor
Abstract: Nearest neighbor models are among the most established and accurate approaches to machine learning. In this paper, we investigate Synthetic Reduced Nearest Neighbor (SRNN) as a novel approach to regression tasks. Existing prototype nearest neighbor models are initialized by training a k-means model over each class. However, such initialization is only applicable to classification tasks. In this work, we propose a novel initialization and expectation maximization approach for enabling the application of SRNN to regression. The proposed initialization approach is based on applying the k-means algorithm on the target responses of samples to create various clusters of targets. This is proceeded by learning several centroids in the input space for each cluster found over the targets. Essentially, the initialization consists of finding target clusters and running k-means in the space of feature vectors for the corresponding target cluster. The optimization procedure consists of applying an expectation maximization approach similar to the k-means algorithm that optimizes the centroids in the input space. This algorithm is comprised of two steps: (1) The assignment step, where assignments of the samples to each centroid is found and the target response (i.e., prediction) of each centroid is determined; and (2) the update/centroid step, where each centroid is updated such that the loss function of the entire model is minimized. We will show that the centroid step operates over all samples via solving a weighted binary classification. However, the centroid step is NP-hard and no surrogate objective function exists for solving this problem. Therefore, a new surrogate is proposed to approximate the solution for the centroid step. Furthermore, we consider the consistency of the model, and show that the model is consistent under mild assumptions. The bias-variance relationship in this model is also discussed. We report the empirical evaluation of the proposed SRNN regression model in comparison to several state-of-the-art techniques.
One-sentence Summary: We propose a novel regression technique based on the Synthetic Reduced Nearest Neighbor approach.
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