Abstract: Modern machine learning algorithms usually involve tuning multiple (from one to thousands) hyperparameters which play a pivotal role in terms of model generalizability. Globally choosing appropriate values of hyperparameters is extremely computationally challenging. Black-box optimization and gradient-based algorithms are two dominant approaches to hyperparameter optimization while they have totally distinct advantages. How to design a new hyperparameter optimization technique inheriting all benefits from both approaches is still an open problem. To address this challenging problem, in this paper, we propose a new hyperparameter optimization method with zeroth-order hyper-gradients (HOZOG). Specifically, we first exactly formulate hyperparameter optimization as an $\mathcal{A}$-based constrained optimization problem, where $\mathcal{A}$ is a black-box optimization algorithm (such as deep neural network). Then, we use the average zeroth-order hyper-gradients to update hyperparameters. We provide the feasibility analysis of using HOZOG to achieve hyperparameter optimization. The experimental results on three representative hyperparameter (the size is from 1 to 1250) optimization tasks demonstrate the benefits of HOZOG in terms of \textit{simplicity, scalability, flexibility, effectiveness and efficiency} compared with the state-of-the-art hyperparameter optimization methods.
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Supplementary Material: zip
Community Implementations: [ 5 code implementations](https://www.catalyzex.com/paper/arxiv:2102.09026/code)
Reviewed Version (pdf): https://openreview.net/references/pdf?id=VS0-eSTQ3D
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