Keywords: black-box variational inference, sample average approximation, stochastic optimization
TL;DR: We develop an optimization approach for Black-Box VI based on the Sample Average Approximation that is more robust than alternatives for many inference problems.
Abstract: Black-box variational inference (BBVI) is a general-purpose approximate inference approach that converts inference to a stochastic optimization problem.
However, the difficulty of solving the BBVI optimization problem reliably and robustly using stochastic gradient methods has limited its applicability.
We present a novel optimization approach for BBVI using the sample average approximation (SAA).
SAA converts stochastic problems to deterministic ones by optimizing over a fixed random sample, which enables optimization tools such as quasi-Newton methods and line search that bypass the difficulties faced by stochastic gradient methods.
We design an approach called "SAA for VI" that solves a sequence of SAA problems with increasing sample sizes to reliably and robustly solve BBVI problems without problem-specific tuning.
We focus on quasi-Newton methods, which are well suited to problems with up to hundreds of latent variables.
Our experiments show that SAA for VI simplifies the VI problem and achieves faster performance than existing methods.
List Of Authors: Burroni, Javier and Domke, Justin and Sheldon, Daniel
Latex Source Code: zip
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Submission Number: 501