Unleashing Vanilla Vision Transformer with Masked Image Modeling for Object DetectionDownload PDF

22 Sept 2022 (modified: 08 Sept 2024)ICLR 2023 Conference Withdrawn SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Vision Transformer, Object Detection, Instance Segmentation, Representation Learning
Abstract: We present an approach to efficiently and effectively adapt a masked image modeling (MIM) pre-trained vanilla Vision Transformer (ViT) for object detection, which is based on our two novel observations: (i) A MIM pre-trained vanilla ViT encoder can work surprisingly well in the challenging object-level recognition scenario even with randomly sampled partial observations, e.g., only 25% ~ 50% of the input embeddings. (ii) In order to construct multi-scale representations for object detection from single-scale ViT, a randomly initialized compact convolutional stem supplants the pre-trained patchify stem, and its intermediate features can naturally serve as the higher resolution inputs of a feature pyramid network without further upsampling or other manipulations. While the pre-trained ViT is only regarded as the third-stage of our detector's backbone instead of the whole feature extractor. This naturally results in a ConvNet-ViT hybrid architecture. The proposed detector, named MIMDet, enables a MIM pre-trained vanilla ViT to outperform leading hierarchical architectures such as Swin Transformer, MViTv2 and ConvNeXt on COCO object detection & instance segmentation, and achieves better results compared with the previous best adapted vanilla ViT detector using a more modest fine-tuning recipe while converging 2.8x faster.
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Community Implementations: [![CatalyzeX](/images/catalyzex_icon.svg) 2 code implementations](https://www.catalyzex.com/paper/unleashing-vanilla-vision-transformer-with/code)
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