Stacked What-Where Auto-encodersDownload PDF

19 Apr 2024 (modified: 14 Feb 2016)ICLR 2016 workshop submissionReaders: Everyone
CMT Id: 64
Abstract: We present a novel architecture, the "stacked what-where auto-encoders" (SWWAE), which integrates discriminative and generative pathways and provides a unified approach to supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised learning without relying on sampling during training. An instantiation of SWWAE uses a convolutional net (Convnet) (LeCun et al. (1998)) to encode the input, and employs a deconvolutional net (Deconvnet) (Zeiler et al. (2010)) to produce the reconstruction. The objective function includes reconstruction terms that induce the hidden states in the Deconvnet to be similar to those of the Convnet. Each pooling layer produces two sets of variables: the "what" which are fed to the next layer, and its complementary variable "where" that are fed to the corresponding layer in the generative decoder.
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