Active Symbolic Discovery of Ordinary Differential Equations via Phase Portrait Sketching

AAAI 2025 Workshop NeurMAD Submission7 Authors

21 Nov 2024 (modified: 03 Feb 2025)AAAI 2025 Workshop NeurMAD SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Equation discovery, ordinary differential equation, active data query, symbolic regression
TL;DR: We propose a learning framework for finding the symbolic form of ODE using phase portrait sketching.
Abstract: The symbolic discovery of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) from trajectory data plays a pivotal role in AI-driven scientific discovery. Existing symbolic methods predominantly rely on fixed, pre-collected training datasets, which often result in suboptimal performance, as demonstrated in our case study in Figure 1. Drawing inspiration from active learning, we investigate strategies to query informative trajectory data that can enhance the evaluation of predicted ODEs. However, the butterfly effect in dynamical systems reveals that small variations in initial conditions can lead to drastically different trajectories, necessitating the storage of vast quantities of trajectory data using conventional active learning. To address this, we introduce Active Symbolic Discovery of Ordinary Differential Equations via Phase Portrait Sketching (APPS). Instead of directly selecting individual initial conditions, our APPS first identifies an informative region within the phase space and then samples a batch of initial conditions from this region. Compared to traditional active learning methods, APPS mitigates the gap of maintaining a large amount of data. Extensive experiments demonstrate that APPS consistently discovers more accurate ODE expressions than baseline methods using passively collected datasets.
Submission Number: 7