The Survival Bandit Problem

Published: 02 Aug 2024, Last Modified: 17 Sept 2024Accepted by TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: In this paper, we introduce and study a new variant of the multi-armed bandit problem (MAB), called the survival bandit problem (S-MAB). While in both problems, the objective is to maximize the so-called cumulative reward, in this new variant, the procedure is interrupted if the cumulative reward falls below a preset threshold. This simple yet unexplored extension of the MAB follows from many practical applications. For example, when testing two medicines against each other on voluntary patients, people's lives and health are at stake, and it is necessary to be able to interrupt experiments if serious side effects occur or if the disease syndromes are not dissipated by the treatment. From a theoretical perspective, the S-MAB is the first variant of the MAB where the procedure may or may not be interrupted. We start by formalizing the S-MAB and we define its objective as the minimization of the so-called survival regret, which naturally generalizes the regret of the MAB. Then, we show that the objective of the S-MAB is considerably more difficult than the MAB, in the sense that contrary to the MAB, no policy can achieve a reasonably small (i.e., sublinear) survival regret. Instead, we minimize the survival regret in the sense of Pareto, i.e., we seek a policy whose cumulative reward cannot be improved for some problem instance without being sacrificed for another one. For that purpose, we identify two key components in the survival regret: the regret given no ruin (which corresponds to the regret in the MAB), and the probability that the procedure is interrupted, called the probability of ruin. We derive a lower bound on the probability of ruin, as well as policies whose probability of ruin matches the lower bound. Finally, based on a doubling trick on those policies, we derive a policy which minimizes the survival regret in the sense of Pareto, providing an answer to the open problem by Perotto et al. (COLT 2019).
Submission Length: Long submission (more than 12 pages of main content)
Previous TMLR Submission Url:
Changes Since Last Submission: The paper was desk-rejected because of the text font was inappropriate. We changed the text font of the paper following TMLR's template, and confirmed that it matches the font of TMLR's existing publications.
Assigned Action Editor: ~Fredrik_Daniel_Johansson1
Submission Number: 2094