Building Bridges of Collaboration: Empowering Researchers through a Developer Relations Campaign for ORCID

31 Jul 2023 (modified: 01 Aug 2023)InvestinOpen 2023 OI Fund SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Funding Area: Capacity building / Construcción de capacidad
Problem Statement: The problem that the proposed developer relations campaign for ORCID addresses is the lack of easily accessible technical documentation on ORCID and its API, especially on technical content platforms and social media platforms. This can hinder members and researchers from fully utilizing the platform’s technology and can limit member engagement and participation. By providing detailed technical articles, tutorials, and presence on popular social media platforms, the campaign aims to improve accessibility and understanding of ORCID’s technology for its members and researchers.
Proposed Activities: The proposed developer relations campaign for ORCID addresses the problem of a lack of easily accessible technical documentation and content on ORCID and its API, especially on technical content platforms and social media platforms. This issue can hinder members and researchers from fully utilizing the platform's technology, limiting member awareness, engagement and participation. By providing detailed technical articles, tutorials, and presence on popular social media platforms, the campaign aims to improve accessibility and understanding of ORCID's technology for its members and researchers. This proposal aligns with the goals of the Open Infrastructure Fund by addressing a real need in the ORCID community for improved access to technical information on ORCID's technology. By providing technical content on popular social media platforms, the campaign also aims to further equity in research by reaching a wider audience and promoting greater participation from groups that may have been excluded or marginalized by traditional methods of accessing technical information.
Openness: The proposed developer relations campaign for ORCID is open in several ways. Firstly, the campaign aims to improve accessibility and understanding of these APIs for members and researchers, enabling them to better utilize the platform’s open source technology. Secondly, the proposed activities, such as writing and publishing technical articles, videos, and tutorials, are designed to engage a broader audience and foster greater participation from the research community. By sharing this content openly on popular social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube, as well as across the web, the campaign aims to reach a wider audience and reduce barriers to participation. Finally, the project output, including the technical articles, tutorials, and other resources created as part of the campaign, will be marketed and shared openly across the web, on Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. This will enable others to benefit from the work and contribute to the use and improvement of ORCID’s open infrastructure services. Overall, the proposed developer relations campaign for ORCID is committed to openness in its infrastructure, activities, and output.
Challenges: There are several challenges that may arise when carrying out the campaign. One challenge could be ensuring that the technical content created is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant to the needs of ORCID’s members and researchers. This will require ongoing collaboration and review with ORCID’s technical team and a deep understanding of the platform’s technology and APIs. Another challenge could be effectively reaching and engaging with the target audience on social media platforms. This will require a well-planned and executed marketing and publishing campaign, as well as ongoing monitoring and analysis of engagement metrics to ensure that the content is resonating with the audience. Finally, there may be challenges in terms of resource allocation and coordination, as the campaign will involve multiple stakeholders and require collaboration across different teams and individuals. Effective project management and communication will be essential to overcome these challenges and ensure the successful implementation of the proposed developer relations campaign for ORCID.
Neglectedness: Yes, there are other sources of funding available for this type of work, from organizations and institutions that support open source technologies, but these are sometimes constrained by geography and limited to whitelisted communities and institutions. However, I have not applied for funding for this work because I have not come across this specific opportunity for ORCID.
Success: One way to measure success is by tracking engagement metrics on social media platforms, such as the number of views, likes, shares, and comments on the published technical articles and tutorials. This can provide insight into the reach and impact of the campaign’s content. Another way is by tracking improvements in the accessibility and understanding of ORCID’s APIs among members and researchers. This can be assessed through surveys or feedback from users, as well as through analysis of usage data to determine if there has been an increase in member engagement and participation on the platform. Overall, success for the proposed developer relations campaign for ORCID can be measured through a combination of quantitative and qualitative metrics that provide insight into the reach, impact, and effectiveness of the campaign’s activities.
Total Budget: $8100
Budget File: pdf
Affiliations: Trenches AI
LMIE Carveout: Yes, the Developer Relations campaign will be carried out by Trenches AI, a technology company registered and based in Lagos, Nigeria. Although the developer relations willl be tailored to a worldwide audience, the Team behind the content and it's marketing are resident in Nigeria
Team Skills: Trenches AI is a team of Technologists, Project managers, Writers, Software Developers, and Designers . Anthony Oliko (CTO), the founder of Trenches AI, has a Bachelor's degree in Electrical / Electronics Engineering, with extensive experience in Software, Cloud technologies, SaaS product management and Technical documentation. He has worked on multiple software products at various stages of development and in various capacities, from a solo developer to a CTO. This expertise and experience make him well-suited to lead a developer relations campaign for ORCID. LinkedIn: GitHub: Website: Andria Ezetendu, the Chief Project Manager of Trenches AI, has a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, with relevant working experience in Data Science and Software Project management. LinkedIn: Trenches AI also has a track record of delivering successful campaigns for cutting-edge technology industry leaders like SingularityNET. This experience, combined with the team's skills and knowledge in technical documentation and software integrations, make them well-equipped to carry out the proposed developer relations campaign for ORCID. The team's capacity, knowledge, lived experience, and partnerships are vital elements that will contribute to the success of the proposed project.
Submission Number: 106