Task-Adaptive Tokenization: Enhancing Long-Form Text Generation Efficacy in Mental Health and Beyond

Published: 07 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 01 Dec 2023EMNLP 2023 MainEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Submission Type: Regular Long Paper
Submission Track: Natural Language Generation
Submission Track 2: Efficient Methods for NLP
Keywords: task-adaptive tokenization, text generation, long-form generation, text segmentation
TL;DR: We design a task-adptive tokenizationer to boost text generation performance in downstream tasks --- taking mental health as an example field
Abstract: We propose task-adaptive tokenization\footnote{Our work will be publicly available upon acceptance.} as a way to adapt the generation pipeline to the specifics of a downstream task and enhance long-form generation in mental health. Inspired by insights from cognitive science, our task-adaptive tokenizer samples variable segmentations from multiple outcomes, with sampling probabilities optimized based on task-specific data. We introduce a strategy for building a specialized vocabulary and introduce a vocabulary merging protocol that allows for the integration of task-specific tokens into the pre-trained model's tokenization step. Through extensive experiments on psychological question-answering tasks in both Chinese and English, we find that our task-adaptive tokenization approach brings a significant improvement in generation performance while using up to 60\% fewer tokens. Preliminary experiments point to promising results when using our tokenization approach with very large language models.
Submission Number: 1885