HyEnA: A Hybrid Method for Extracting Arguments from OpinionsDownload PDF


17 Dec 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2021 December Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: The key arguments underlying a large and noisy set of opinions help understand the opinions quickly and accurately. Fully automated methods can extract arguments but (1) require large labeled datasets and (2) work well for known viewpoints, but not for novel points of view. We propose HyEnA, a hybrid (human + AI) method for extracting arguments from opinionated texts, combining the speed of automated processing with the understanding and reasoning capabilities of humans. We evaluate HyEnA on three feedback corpora on COVID-19 relaxation measures. We find that, on the one hand, HyEnA achieves higher coverage and precision than a state-of-the-art automated method, when compared on a common set of diverse opinions, justifying the need for human insight. On the other hand, HyEnA requires less human effort and does not compromise quality compared to (fully manual) expert analysis, demonstrating the benefit of combining human and machine intelligence.
Paper Type: long
Consent To Share Data: yes
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