KnowDA: All-in-One Knowledge Mixture Model for Data Augmentation in Low-Resource NLPDownload PDF

Published: 01 Feb 2023, Last Modified: 29 Sept 2024ICLR 2023 posterReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Data Augmentation, Low-Resource NLP
TL;DR: We propose a Knowledge Mixture Data Augmentation Model (KnowDA) that is trained with diverse NLP task knowledge. KnowDA could generate additional synthetic data to improve model performance in various low-resource NLP tasks.
Abstract: This paper focuses on data augmentation for low-resource NLP tasks where the training set is limited. The existing solutions either leverage task-independent heuristic rules (e.g., Synonym Replacement) or fine-tune general-purpose pre-trained language models (e.g., GPT2) using the limited training instances to produce new synthetic data. Consequently, they have trivial task-specific knowledge and are limited to yielding low-quality synthetic data. To combat this issue, we propose Knowledge Mixture Data Augmentation Model (KnowDA), a Seq2Seq language model pretrained on a mixture of diverse NLP tasks under a novel framework of Knowledge Mixture Training (KoMT). The goal of KoMT is to condense diverse NLP task-specific knowledge into the single KnowDA model (i.e., all-in-one). The resulting KnowDA could utilize these knowledge to quickly grasp the inherent synthesis law of the target task through limited training instances. Specifically, KoMT reformulates input examples from various heterogeneous NLP tasks into a unified text-to-text format and employs denoising training objectives in different granularity to learn to reconstruct partial or complete samples. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to attempt to apply 100+ NLP multi-task training for data augmentation. Extensive experiments show that i) the synthetic data produced by KnowDA successfully improves the performance of the strong pre-trained language models (i.e., Bert, ALBert and Deberta) by a large margin on the low-resource NLP benchmark FewGLUE, CoNLL’03 and WikiAnn; ii) KnowDA successful transfer the task knowledge to NLP tasks whose types are seen and unseen in KoMT.
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