Synergizing Deep Reinforcement Learning and Biological Pursuit Behavioral Rule for Robust and Interpretable Navigation

Published: 28 Jul 2023, Last Modified: 28 Jul 2023SynS & ML @ ICML2023EveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: multi-agent systems, deep reinforcement learning, behavioral rule, pursuit model, navigation
TL;DR: We developed a hierarchical agent that integrates deep reinforcement learning with a biological mathematical model, demonstrating its usefulness in multi-agent environments and offering insights for real-world wildlife behavior.
Abstract: Integrating theoretical models within machine learning models holds considerable promise for constructing efficient and robust models. In bi- ology, however, integration can be challenging because the behavioral rules described by theoretical models are not necessarily invariant, in contrast to problems in physics. Here, we propose a hybrid architecture that hierarchically integrates a biological pursuit model into deep reinforcement learning. Our approach facilitates seamless agent mode switching and rule-based action selection, demonstrating efficient navigation in a predator-prey environment. Interestingly, our results parallel the hunting behavior observed in nature, offering novel insights into biology. As our framework can be integrated with existing hybrid or gray box models, it paves the way for further exploration in this exciting intersection of machine learning and biology.
Submission Number: 49