PRIMO: Private Regression in Multiple Outcomes

Published: 07 Jan 2025, Last Modified: 15 Jan 2025Accepted by TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: We introduce a new private regression setting we call \textit{Private Regression in Multiple Outcomes} (PRIMO), inspired by the common situation where a data analyst wants to perform a set of $l$ regressions while preserving privacy, where the features $X$ are shared across all $l$ regressions, and each regression $i \in [l]$ has a different vector of outcomes $y_i$. Naively applying existing private linear regression techniques $l$ times leads to a $\sqrt{l}$ multiplicative increase in error over the standard linear regression setting. We apply a variety of techniques including sufficient statistics perturbation (SSP) and geometric projection-based methods to develop scalable algorithms that outperform this baseline across a range of parameter regimes. In particular, we obtain \textit{no dependence on l} in the asympotic error when $l$ is sufficiently large. We apply our algorithms to the task of private genomic risk prediction for multiple phenotypes. Empirically, we find that even for values of $l$ far smaller than the theory would predict, our projection-based method improves the accuracy relative to the variant that doesn't use the projection.
Submission Length: Long submission (more than 12 pages of main content)
Assigned Action Editor: ~Audra_McMillan1
Submission Number: 3270