Variance Based Sample Weighting for Supervised Deep LearningDownload PDF

28 Sept 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: supervised learning, sample distribution, statistical methods, sample weighting, approximation theory, Taylor expansion
Abstract: In the context of supervised learning of a function by a Neural Network (NN), we claim and empirically justify that a NN yields better results when the distribution of the data set focuses on regions where the function to learn is steeper. We first traduce this assumption in a mathematically workable way using Taylor expansion. Then, theoretical derivations allow to construct a methodology that we call Variance Based Samples Weighting (VBSW). VBSW uses local variance of the labels to weight the training points. This methodology is general, scalable, cost effective, and significantly increases the performances of a large class of models for various classification and regression tasks on image, text and multivariate data. We highlight its benefits with experiments involving NNs from shallow linear NN to ResNet or Bert.
One-sentence Summary: This paper constructs a new training distribution to weight the training data set and boost the performances of a Neural Network.
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