Keywords: theory, deep learning theory, SSM, RNN, neural controlled differential equations, signatures, kernels
Abstract: Structured state-space models (SSMs) are gaining popularity as effective foundational architectures for sequential data, demonstrating outstanding performance across a diverse set of domains alongside desirable scalability properties. Recent developments show that if the linear recurrence powering SSMs allows for a selectivity mechanism leveraging multiplicative interactions between inputs and hidden states (e.g. Mamba, GLA, Hawk/Griffin, HGRN2), then the resulting architecture can surpass attention-powered foundation models trained on text in both accuracy and efficiency, at scales of billion parameters. In this paper, we give theoretical grounding to the selectivity mechanism, often linked to in-context learning, using tools from Rough Path Theory. We provide a framework for the theoretical analysis of generalized selective SSMs, fully characterizing their expressive power and identifying the gating mechanism as the crucial architectural choice. Our analysis provides a closed-form description of the expressive powers of modern SSMs, such as Mamba, quantifying theoretically the drastic improvement in performance from the previous generation of models, such as S4. Our theory not only motivates the success of modern selective state-space models, but also provides a solid framework to understand the expressive power of future SSM variants. In particular, it suggests cross-channel interactions could play a vital role in future improvements.
Supplementary Material: zip
Primary Area: Deep learning architectures
Submission Number: 12481