When low-vision task meets dense prediction tasks with less data: an auxiliary self-trained geometry regularization
Abstract: Many deep learning methods are data-driven, often converging to local minima due to limited training data. This situation poses a challenge in domains where acquiring adequate data is difficult for model training or fine-tuning, such as generalized few-shot semantic segmentation (GFSSeg) and monocular depth estimation (MDE). To this end, we propose a self-trained geometry regularization framework to enhance model training or fine-tuning in scenarios with limited training data using geometric knowledge. Specifically, we propose to leverage low-level geometry information extracted from the training data and define a novel regularization term, which is a plug-and-play module jointly trained with the primary task via multi-task learning. Our proposed regularization neither relies on extra manual labels and data in training nor requires extra computation during the inference stage. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this regularization on GFSSeg and MDE tasks. Notably, it improves the state-of-the-art GFSSeg by 5.61% and 4.26% mIoU of novel classes on PASCAL and COCO in the 1-shot scenario. In MDE, it achieves a relative reduction of SILog error by 16.6% and 9.4% for two recent methods in the KITTI dataset.
Submission Length: Regular submission (no more than 12 pages of main content)
Code: https://github.com/Guzaiwang/Geometry_Regularization
Assigned Action Editor: ~Yanwei_Fu2
Submission Number: 3027