Sentiment trading with large language models

IJCAI 2024 Workshop AI4Research Submission21 Authors

Published: 05 Jun 2024, Last Modified: 05 Jun 2024AI4Research 2024EveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Machine learning in stock return prediction, Artificial intelligence investment strategies, NLP Finance
TL;DR: Stock market prediction with large language models
Abstract: We investigate the efficacy of large language models (LLMs) in sentiment analysis of U.S. financial news and their potential in predicting stock market returns. We analyze a dataset comprising 965,375 news articles that span from January 1, 2010, to June 30, 2023; we focus on the performance of various LLMs, including BERT, OPT, FINBERT, and the traditional Loughran-McDonald dictionary model, which has been a dominant methodology in the finance literature. The study documents a significant association between LLM scores and subsequent daily stock returns. Specifically, OPT, which is a GPT-3 based LLM, shows the highest accuracy in sentiment prediction with an accuracy of 74.4%, slightly ahead of BERT (72.5%) and FINBERT (72.2%). In contrast, the Loughran-McDonald dictionary model demonstrates considerably lower effectiveness with only 50.1% accuracy. Regression analyses highlight a robust positive impact of OPT model scores on next-day stock returns, with coefficients of 0.274 and 0.254 in different model specifications. BERT and FINBERT also exhibit predictive relevance, though to a lesser extent. Notably, we do not observe a significant relationship between the Loughran-McDonald dictionary model scores and stock returns, challenging the efficacy of this traditional method in the current financial context. In portfolio performance, the long-short OPT strategy excels with a Sharpe ratio of 3.05, compared to 2.11 for BERT and 2.07 for FINBERT long-short strategies. From August 2021 to July 2023, OPT strategy produces an impressive 355% gain, outperforming other strategies and traditional market portfolios. This underscores the potential of LLMs to transform financial market prediction and portfolio management, and the necessity of employing sophisticated language models to develop effective investment strategies based on news sentiment.
Submission Number: 21