Compact Proofs of Model Performance via Mechanistic Interpretability

Published: 24 Jun 2024, Last Modified: 15 Jul 2024ICML 2024 MI Workshop SpotlightEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: mechanistic interpretability, verification, proof, guarantees, interpretability
TL;DR: We prototype using mechanistic interpretability to derive and formally verify guarantees on model performance in a toy setting.
Abstract: In this work, we propose using mechanistic interpretability -- techniques for reverse engineering model weights into human-interpretable algorithms -- to derive and compactly prove formal guarantees on model performance. We prototype this approach by formally lower bounding the accuracy of 151 small transformers trained on a Max-of-$k$ task. We create 102 different computer-assisted proof strategies and assess their length and tightness of bound on each of our models. Using quantitative metrics, we show that shorter proofs seem to require and provide more mechanistic understanding, and that more faithful mechanistic understanding leads to tighter performance bounds. We confirm these connections by qualitatively examining a subset of our proofs. Finally, we identify compounding structureless noise as a key challenge for using mechanistic interpretability to generate compact proofs on model performance.
Submission Number: 19