Disentangled Style Domain for Implicit $z$-Watermark Towards Copyright Protection

Published: 25 Sept 2024, Last Modified: 15 Jan 2025NeurIPS 2024 posterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Dataset Copyright Protection; Text-to-Image Model; Diffusion Model;Watermark
TL;DR: We propose a novel implicit watermarking scheme that leverages a disentangled style domain to detect data unauthorized usage.
Abstract: Text-to-image models have shown surprising performance in high-quality image generation, while also raising intensified concerns about the unauthorized usage of personal dataset in training and personalized fine-tuning. Recent approaches, embedding watermarks, introducing perturbations, and inserting backdoors into datasets, rely on adding minor information vulnerable to adversarial training, limiting their ability to detect unauthorized data usage. In this paper, we introduce a novel implicit Zero-Watermarking scheme that first utilizes the disentangled style domain to detect unauthorized dataset usage in text-to-image models. Specifically, our approach generates the watermark from the disentangled style domain, enabling self-generalization and mutual exclusivity within the style domain anchored by protected units. The domain achieves the maximum concealed offset of probability distribution through both the injection of identifier $z$ and dynamic contrastive learning, facilitating the structured delineation of dataset copyright boundaries for multiple sources of styles and contents. Additionally, we introduce the concept of watermark distribution to establish a verification mechanism for copyright ownership of hybrid or partial infringements, addressing deficiencies in the traditional mechanism of dataset copyright ownership for AI mimicry. Notably, our method achieves one-sample verification for copyright ownership in AI mimic generations. The code is available at: [https://github.com/Hlufies/ZWatermarking](https://github.com/Hlufies/ZWatermarking)
Supplementary Material: zip
Primary Area: Privacy
Submission Number: 16263