Keywords: Probabilistic Methods, online learing, tensor factorization
Abstract: Despite the success of existing tensor factorization methods, most of them conduct a multilinear decomposition, and rarely exploit powerful modeling frameworks, like deep neural networks, to capture a variety of complicated interactions in data. More important, for highly expressive, deep factorization, we lack an effective approach to handle streaming data, which are ubiquitous in real-world applications. To address these issues, we propose SPIDER, a Streaming ProbabilistIc Deep tEnsoR factorization method. We first use Bayesian neural networks (NNs) to construct a deep tensor factorization model. We assign a spike-and-slab prior over the NN weights to encourage sparsity and prevent overfitting. We then use Taylor expansions and moment matching to approximate the posterior of the NN output and calculate the running model evidence, based on which we develop an efficient streaming posterior inference algorithm in the assumed-density-filtering and expectation propagation framework. Our algorithm provides responsive incremental updates for the posterior of the latent factors and NN weights upon receiving new tensor entries, and meanwhile select and inhibit redundant/useless weights. We show the advantages of our approach in four real-world applications.
One-sentence Summary: A BNN(Bayesian neural networks)-based probabilistic methods for tensor factorization which allows Streaming update and Uncertainty measure
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