Reevaluating Data Partitioning for Emotion Detection in EmoWOZDownload PDF


17 Apr 2023ACL ARR 2023 April Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: This paper focuses on the EmoWoz dataset, an extension of MultiWOZ that provides emotion labels for the dialogues. MultiWOZ was partitioned initially for another purpose, resulting in a distributional shift when considering the new purpose of emotion recognition. The emotion tags in EmoWoz are highly imbalanced and unevenly distributed across the partitions, which causes sub-optimal performance and poor comparison of models. We propose a stratified sampling scheme based on emotion tags to address this issue, improve the dataset's distribution, and reduce dataset shift. We also introduce a special technique to handle conversation (sequential) data with many emotional tags. Using our proposed sampling method, models built upon EmoWoz can perform better, making it a more reliable resource for training conversational agents with emotional intelligence. We recommend that future researchers use this new partitioning to ensure consistent and accurate performance evaluations.
Paper Type: short
Research Area: NLP Applications
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