ReMIX: Regret Minimization for Monotonic Value Function Factorization in Multiagent Reinforcement Learning

TMLR Paper752 Authors

05 Jan 2023 (modified: 09 Mar 2023)Rejected by TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Abstract: Value function factorization methods have become a dominant approach for cooperative multiagent reinforcement learning under a centralized training and decentralized execution paradigm. By factorizing the optimal joint action-value function using a monotonic mixing function of agents' utilities, these algorithms ensure the consistency between joint and local action selections for decentralized decision-making. Nevertheless, the use of monotonic mixing functions also induces representational limitations. Finding the optimal projection of an unrestricted mixing function onto monotonic function classes is still an open problem. To this end, we propose ReMIX, formulating this optimal projection problem for value function factorization as a regret minimization over the projection weights of different state-action values. Such an optimization problem can be relaxed and solved using the Lagrangian multiplier method to obtain the close-form optimal projection weights. By minimizing the resulting policy regret, we can narrow the gap between the optimal and the restricted monotonic mixing functions, thus obtaining an improved monotonic value function factorization. Our experimental results on Predator-Prey and StarCraft Multiagent Challenge environments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, indicating the better capabilities of handling environments with non-monotonic value functions.
Submission Length: Regular submission (no more than 12 pages of main content)
Changes Since Last Submission: We made changes according to the suggestions of the reviewers. Specifically, we fixed typos and formats and added more clarifications to avoid potential misunderstandings.
Assigned Action Editor: ~Marc_Lanctot1
Submission Number: 752