Anytime-Valid A/B Testing of Counting Processes
TL;DR: Continuous-time A/B testing of arrival processes modeled as inhomogeneous poisson point processes
Abstract: Motivated by monitoring the arrival of incoming adverse events such as customer support calls or crash events from users exposed to an experimental product change, we consider sequential hypothesis testing of continuous-time counting processes. Specifically, we provide a multivariate confidence process on the cumulative rates $(\Lambda^A_t, \Lambda^B_t)$ giving an anytime-valid coverage guarantee $\mathbb{P}[(\Lambda^A_t, \Lambda^B_t) \in C^\alpha_t \, \forall t >0] \geq 1-\alpha$. This provides simultaneous confidence process on $\Lambda^A_t$, $\Lambda^B_t$ and their difference $\Lambda^B_t-\Lambda^A_t$, allowing each arm of the experiment and the difference between them to be safely monitored throughout the experiment. We extend our results by constructing a closed-form $e$-process for testing the equality of rates with a time-uniform Type-I error guarantee at a nominal $\alpha$. We characterize the asymptotic growth rate of the proposed $e$-process under the alternative and show that it has power 1 when the average rates of the two process differ in the limit.
Submission Number: 1300