Keywords: continual learning, exemplar free, exemplar free class incremental learning, class incremental learning, exemplar-free
TL;DR: Exemplar-free class incremental learning, we explain task-recency bias in modern methods and develop a method that adapts means and covariances of classes from task to task
Abstract: Exemplar-Free Class Incremental Learning (EFCIL) tackles the problem of training a model on a sequence of tasks without access to past data. Existing state-of-the-art methods represent classes as Gaussian distributions in the feature extractor's latent space, enabling Bayes classification or training the classifier by replaying pseudo features. However, we identify two critical issues that compromise their efficacy when the feature extractor is updated on incremental tasks. First, they do not consider that classes' covariance matrices change and must be adapted after each task. Second, they are susceptible to a task-recency bias caused by dimensionality collapse occurring during training. In this work, we propose AdaGauss - a novel method that adapts covariance matrices from task to task and mitigates the task-recency bias owing to the additional anti-collapse loss function. AdaGauss yields state-of-the-art results on popular EFCIL benchmarks and datasets when training from scratch or starting from a pre-trained backbone.
Supplementary Material: zip
Primary Area: Online learning
Submission Number: 5