Evaluating the Prompt Steerability of Large Language Models

Published: 10 Oct 2024, Last Modified: 15 Nov 2024Pluralistic-Alignment 2024EveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: large language models, steerability, pluralistic AI
TL;DR: We propose a benchmark for evaluating the prompt steerability of language models across various personas.
Abstract: Building pluralistic AI requires designing models that are able to be shaped to represent a wide range of value systems and cultures. Achieving this requires first being able to evaluate the degree to which a given model is capable of reflecting various personas. To this end, we propose a benchmark for evaluating the steerability of model personas as a function of prompting. Our design is based on a formal definition of prompt steerability, which analyzes the degree to which a model's joint behavioral distribution can be shifted from its baseline behavior. By defining steerability indices and inspecting how these indices change as a function of steering effort, we can estimate the steerability of a model across various persona dimensions and directions. Our benchmark reveals that the steerability of many current models is limited -- due to both a skew in their baseline behavior and an asymmetry in their steerability across many persona dimensions. We release an implementation of our benchmark at https://github.com/IBM/prompt-steering.
Submission Number: 63