Semi-Supervised Learning for High-Fidelity Fluid Flow Reconstruction

Published: 18 Nov 2023, Last Modified: 30 Nov 2023LoG 2023 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: physical simulation, fluid flow reconstruction
Abstract: Physical simulations of fluids are crucial for understanding fluid dynamics across many applications, such as weather prediction and engineering design. While high-resolution numerical simulations can provide substantial accuracy in analysis, it also results in prohibitive computational costs. Conversely, lower-resolution simulations are computationally less expensive but compromise the accuracy and reliability of results. In this work, we propose a cascaded fluid reconstruction framework to combine large amounts of low-resolution and limited amounts of paired high-resolution direct simulations for accurate fluid analysis. Our method can improve the accuracy of simulations while preserving the efficiency of low-resolution simulations. Our framework involves a proposal network, pre-trained with small amounts of high-resolution labels, to reconstruct an initial high-resolution flow field. The field is then refined in the frequency domain to become more physically plausible using our proposed refinement network, known as ModeFormer, which is implemented as a complex-valued transformer, with physics-informed unsupervised training. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in enhancing the overall performance of fluid flow reconstruction. The code will be made publicly available at
Submission Type: Full paper proceedings track submission (max 9 main pages).
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Submission Number: 187