Controlled Generation with Distilled Diffusion Energy Models and Sequential Monte Carlo
TL;DR: Improved training of energy parameterized diffusion models and controlled sampling via SMC.
Abstract: Diffusion models may be formulated as a time-indexed sequence of energy-based models, where the score corresponds to the negative gradient of an energy function. As opposed to learning the score directly, an energy parameterization is attractive as the energy itself can be used to control generation via Monte Carlo samplers. Architectural constraints and training instability in energy parameterized models have so far yielded inferior performance compared to directly approximating the score or denoiser. We address these deficiencies by introducing a novel training regime for the energy function through distillation of pre-trained diffusion models. We further showcase the synergies between energy and score by casting the diffusion sampling procedure as a Feynman Kac Model with energy weighted potentials. This formalism enables composition and low temperature sampling through sequential Monte Carlo.
Submission Number: 1186