Multimodal Language Learning in the Face of Missing Modalities

TMLR Paper419 Authors

09 Sept 2022 (modified: 28 Feb 2023)Rejected by TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Abstract: We propose extended multimodal alignment (EMMA), a generalized geometric method combined with a cross-entropy loss function that can be used to learn retrieval models that incorporate an arbitrary number of views of a particular piece of data, compounded by the challenge of retrieval when a modality becomes unavailable. Our study is motivated by needs in robotics and computer-human interaction, where an agent has many sensors and thus modalities with which a human may interact, both to communicate a desired goal and for the agent to recognize a desired target object. For such problems, there has been little research on integrating more than two modalities. While there have been widely popular works on self-supervised contrastive learning based on cross-entropy, there is an entirely separate family of approaches based on explicit geometric alignment. However, to the best of our knowledge there has been no work on combining the two approaches for multimodal learning. We propose to combine both families of approaches and argue that the two are complementary. We demonstrate the usability of our model on a grounded language object retrieval scenario, where an intelligent agent has to select an object given an unconstrained language command. We leverage four modalities including vision, depth sensing, text, and speech, and we show that our model converges approximately 5 times faster than previous strong baselines, and out-performs or is strongly competitive with state-of-the-art contrastive learning. The code is publicly available on GitHub and will be included for the camera-ready version (it is redacted for anonymity).
Submission Length: Long submission (more than 12 pages of main content)
Assigned Action Editor: ~Yonatan_Bisk1
Submission Number: 419