Physics-informed Localized Learning for Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Systems

Published: 19 Jun 2023, Last Modified: 09 Jul 2023Frontiers4LCDEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: Deep Learning, Embed to Control, Reservoir surrogate modelling, Localised Learning, Physics-informed Machine Learning
Abstract: The global push to advance Carbon Capture and Sequestration initiatives and green energy solutions, such as geothermal, have thrust new demands upon the current state-of-the-art subsurface fluid simulators. The requirement to be able to simulate a large order of reservoir states simultaneously, in a short period of time, has opened the door of opportunity for the application of machine learning techniques for surrogate modelling. We propose a novel physics-informed and boundary condition-aware Localized Learning method which extends the Embed-to-Control (E2C) and Embed-to-Control and Observe (E2CO) models to learn local representations of global state variables in an Advection-Diffusion Reaction system. Trained on reservoir simulation data, we show that our model is able to predict future states of the system, for a given set of controls, to a great deal of accuracy with only a fraction of the available information. It hence reduces training times significantly compared to the original E2C and E2CO models, lending to its benefit in application to optimal control problems.
Submission Number: 10