Revisiting Ensembling in One-Shot Federated Learning

Published: 25 Sept 2024, Last Modified: 06 Nov 2024NeurIPS 2024 posterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: One-shot Federated Learning, Communication Efficiency, Federated Ensembles
Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) is an appealing approach to training machine learning models without sharing raw data. However, standard FL algorithms are iterative and thus induce a significant communication cost. One-Shot FL (OFL) trades the iterative exchange of models between clients and the server with a single round of communication, thereby saving substantially on communication costs. Not surprisingly, OFL exhibits a performance gap in terms of accuracy with respect to FL, especially under high data heterogeneity. We introduce Fens, a novel federated ensembling scheme that approaches the accuracy of FL with the communication efficiency of OFL. Learning in Fens proceeds in two phases: first, clients train models locally and send them to the server, similar to OFL; second, clients collaboratively train a lightweight prediction aggregator model using FL. We showcase the effectiveness of Fens through exhaustive experiments spanning several datasets and heterogeneity levels. In the particular case of heterogeneously distributed CIFAR-10 dataset, Fens achieves up to a $26.9$% higher accuracy over SOTA OFL, being only $3.1$% lower than FL. At the same time, Fens incurs at most $4.3\times$ more communication than OFL, whereas FL is at least $10.9\times$ more communication-intensive than Fens.
Primary Area: Other (please use sparingly, only use the keyword field for more details)
Submission Number: 14650