Abstract: We introduce Deep Augmentation, an approach to implicit data augmentation using dropout or PCA to transform a targeted layer within a neural network to improve performance and generalization. We demonstrate Deep Augmentation through extensive experiments on contrastive learning tasks in NLP, computer vision, and graph learning. We observe substantial performance gains with Transformers, ResNets, and Graph Neural Networks as the underlying models in contrastive learning, but observe inverse effects on the corresponding supervised problems. Our analysis suggests that Deep Augmentation alleviates co-adaptation between layers, a problem exhibited by self-supervised learning where ground truth labels are not available. We use this observation to formulate a method for selecting which layer to target; in particular, our experimentation reveals that targeting deeper layers with Deep Augmentation outperforms augmenting the input data. The simple network- and modality-agnostic nature of this approach enables its integration into various machine learning pipelines.
Submission Length: Regular submission (no more than 12 pages of main content)
Assigned Action Editor: ~Han_Bao2
Submission Number: 3217