Deep Retrieval: An End-to-End Structure Model for Large-Scale RecommendationsDownload PDF

28 Sept 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Large-scale recommendation system, End-to-end training
Abstract: One of the core problems in large-scale recommendations is to retrieve top relevant candidates accurately and efficiently, preferably in sub-linear time. Previous approaches are mostly based on a two-step procedure: first learn an inner-product model and then use maximum inner product search (MIPS) algorithms to search top candidates, leading to potential loss of retrieval accuracy. In this paper, we present Deep Retrieval (DR), an end-to-end learnable structure model for large-scale recommendations. DR encodes all candidates into a discrete latent space. Those latent codes for the candidates are model parameters and to be learnt together with other neural network parameters to maximize the same objective function. With the model learnt, a beam search over the latent codes is performed to retrieve the top candidates. Empirically, we showed that DR, with sub-linear computational complexity, can achieve almost the same accuracy as the brute-force baseline.
One-sentence Summary: We proposed Deep Retrieval, a novel end-to-end learnable structure model which can accurately and efficiently retrieve top relevant candidates in large-scale recommendation system.
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Reviewed Version (pdf): /references/pdf?id=Hmb1B1IO9
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