Deep Curvature SuiteDownload PDF

28 Sept 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Hessian computation, Deep Learning, Loss Curvature, Lanczos
Abstract: The curvature of the loss, provides rich information on the geometry underlying neural networks, with applications in second order optimisation and Bayesian deep learning. However, accessing curvature information is still a daunting engineering challenge, inaccessible to most practitioners. We hence provide a software package the \textbf{Deep Curvature Suite}, which allows easy curvature evaluation for large modern neural networks. Beyond the calculation of a highly accurate moment matched approximation of the Hessian spectrum using Lanczos, our package provides: extensive \emph{loss surface visualisation}, the calculation of the \emph{Hessian variance} and \emph{stochastic second order optimisers}. We further address and disprove many common misconceptions in the literature about the Lanczos algorithm, namely that it learns eigenvalues from the top down. We prove using high dimensional concentration inequalities that for specific matrices a single random vector is sufficient for accurate spectral estimation, informing our spectral visualisation method. We showcase our package practical utility on a series of examples based on realistic modern neural networks such as the VGG-$16$ and Preactivated ResNets on the CIFAR-$10$/$100$ datasets. We further detail $3$ specific potential use cases enabled by our software: research in stochastic second order optimisation for deep learning, learning rate scheduling using known optimality formulae for convex surfaces and empirical verification of deep learning theory based on comparing empirical and theoretically implied spectra.
One-sentence Summary: This package allows the easy computation and visualisation of curvature information for deep neural networks.
Code Of Ethics: I acknowledge that I and all co-authors of this work have read and commit to adhering to the ICLR Code of Ethics
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