Understanding Aggregations of Proper Learners in Multiclass Classification

Published: 18 Dec 2024, Last Modified: 14 Feb 2025ALT 2025EveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: Multiclass learnability is known to exhibit a properness barrier: there are learnable classes which cannot be learned by any proper learner. Binary classification faces no such barrier for learnability, but a similar one for $\textit{optimal}$ learning, which can in general only be achieved by improper learners. Fortunately, recent advances in binary classification have demonstrated that this requirement can be satisfied using aggregations of proper learners, some of which are strikingly simple. This raises a natural question: to what extent can simple aggregations of proper learners overcome the properness barrier in multiclass classification? We give a positive answer to this question for classes which have finite Graph dimension, $d_G$. Namely, we demonstrate that the optimal binary learners of Hanneke, Larsen, and Aden-Ali et al.\ (appropriately generalized to the multiclass setting) achieve sample complexity $O\left( \frac{d_G + \ln(1 / \delta)}{\epsilon}\right)$. This forms a strict improvement upon the sample complexity of ERM. We complement this with a lower bound demonstrating that for certain classes of Graph dimension $d_G$, majorities of ERM learners require $\Omega \left( \frac{d_G + \ln(1 / \delta)}{\epsilon}\right)$ samples. Furthermore, we show that a single ERM requires $\Omega \left(\frac{d_G \ln(1 / \epsilon) + \ln(1 / \delta)}{\epsilon}\right)$ samples on such classes, improving upon the lower bound of Daniely et al. (2012) by a factor of $\ln(1 / \epsilon)$. For multiclass learning in full generality i.e., for classes of finite DS dimension but possibly infinite Graph dimension we give a strong refutation to these learning strategies, by exhibiting a learnable class which cannot be learned to constant error by any aggregation of a finite number of proper learners.
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Submission Number: 61