ImaginaryNet: Learning Object Detectors without Real Images and AnnotationsDownload PDF

Published: 01 Feb 2023, Last Modified: 08 Sept 2024ICLR 2023 posterReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Object detection, Visual synthesis, Generative model
Abstract: Without the demand of training in reality, humans are able of detecting a new category of object simply based on the language description on its visual characteristics. Empowering deep learning with this ability undoubtedly enables the neural network to handle complex vision tasks, e.g., object detection, without collecting and annotating real images. To this end, this paper introduces a novel challenging learning paradigm Imaginary-Supervised Object Detection (ISOD), where neither real images nor manual annotations are allowed for training object detectors. To resolve this challenge, we propose ImaginaryNet, a framework to synthesize images by combining pretrained language model and text-to-image synthesis model. Given a class label, the language model is used to generate a full description of a scene with a target object, and the text-to-image model is deployed to generate a photo-realistic image. With the synthesized images and class labels, weakly supervised object detection can then be leveraged to accomplish ISOD. By gradually introducing real images and manual annotations, ImaginaryNet can collaborate with other supervision settings to further boost detection performance. Experiments show that ImaginaryNet can (i) obtain about 75% performance in ISOD compared with the weakly supervised counterpart of the same backbone trained on real data, (ii) significantly improve the baseline while achieving state-of-the-art or comparable performance by incorporating ImaginaryNet with other supervision settings. Our code will be publicly available at
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TL;DR: This paper propose ImaginaryNet obtain about 70% performance in object detection trained without real images or annotations and improve the performance by incorporating real images and annotations.
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