CLIFT : Analysing Natural Distribution Shift on Question Answering Models in Clinical DomainDownload PDF

Published: 18 Nov 2022, Last Modified: 08 Sept 2024RobustSeq @ NeurIPS 2022 PosterReaders: Everyone
Abstract: This paper introduces a new testbed CLIFT (Clinical Shift) for the clinical domain Question Answering task. The testbed includes 7.5k high quality questionanswering samples to provide a diverse and reliable benchmark. We performed a comprehensive experimental study and evaluated several QA deep-learning models under the proposed testbed. Despite impressive results on the original test set, the performance degrades when applied to new test sets, which shows the distribution shift. Our findings emphasize the need for and the potential for increasing the robustness of clinical domain models under distributional shifts. The testbed offers one way to track progress in that direction. It also highlights the necessity of adopting evaluation metrics that consider robustness to natural distribution shifts. We plan to expand the corpus by adding more samples and model results. The full paper and the updated benchmark are available at
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