Bad Exoplanet! Explaining Degraded Performance when Reconstructing Exoplanets Atmospheric Parameters

Published: 28 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 13 Nov 2023NeurIPS2023-AI4Science PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: exoplanet atmospheric parameters, deep learning, explainable ai, divergence, subgroup detection
TL;DR: This paper presents a model-agnostic approach to detect biased data subgroups in exoplanet atmospheric reconstruction models and describe significant performance gaps between weak learners and their ensemble.
Abstract: Deep learning techniques have been widely adopted to automate the reconstruction of atmospheric parameters in exoplanets, at a fraction of the computational cost required by traditional approaches. However, many of the reconstruction models used are intrinsically non-interpretable. With this work, we aim to produce descriptions for the characteristics of exoplanets that make their atmospheric composition reconstruction problematic. We present a model-agnostic approach to detect biased data subgroups described via atmospheric parameters such as planet distance and surface gravity. We show that adopting an ensemble approach remarkably improves the quality of the outcomes overall, as well as at the subgroup level, on synthetic data simulated for the upcoming Ariel space mission. Experimental results further demonstrate the effectiveness of adopting explanation techniques in identifying and describing significant performance gaps between weak learners and their ensemble. Our work provides a more nuanced description of the results provided by deep learning techniques, to enable more meaningful assessments of what can be reasonably achieved with them.
Submission Track: Original Research
Submission Number: 146