Open the Black Box: the Journey Toward Responsible Artificial Intelligence

18 Dec 2023 (modified: 26 Jan 2024)PKU 2023 Fall CoRe SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: explainability, responsible AI, XAI
Abstract: Enabling AI systems to collaborate safely and efficiently with humans is one of the ultimate goals in AI research. However, the majority of state-of-the-art intelligent systems today operate as black-box models. This means that while we are aware of their impressive capabilities, we remain unaware of the causal chains and underlying logic driving their reasoning. This limitation hinders the advancement of artificial intelligence and makes it challenging for humans to fully trust these autonomous decision-making intelligent agents. Given these considerations, in this essay, we offer a profound exploration of explainable artificial intelligence, reviewing its fundamental paradigms, and contemplating potential pathways toward responsible artificial intelligence in the future.
Submission Number: 218