Generalized Semi-Supervised Learning via Self-Supervised Feature Adaptation

Published: 21 Sept 2023, Last Modified: 02 Nov 2023NeurIPS 2023 posterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: semi-supervised learning, self-supervised learning
TL;DR: A general semi-supervised learning framework based on self-supervised feature adaptation for feature distribution mismatch.
Abstract: Traditional semi-supervised learning (SSL) assumes that the feature distributions of labeled and unlabeled data are consistent which rarely holds in realistic scenarios. In this paper, we propose a novel SSL setting, where unlabeled samples are drawn from a mixed distribution that deviates from the feature distribution of labeled samples. Under this setting, previous SSL methods tend to predict wrong pseudo-labels with the model fitted on labeled data, resulting in noise accumulation. To tackle this issue, we propose \emph{Self-Supervised Feature Adaptation} (SSFA), a generic framework for improving SSL performance when labeled and unlabeled data come from different distributions. SSFA decouples the prediction of pseudo-labels from the current model to improve the quality of pseudo-labels. Particularly, SSFA incorporates a self-supervised task into the SSL framework and uses it to adapt the feature extractor of the model to the unlabeled data. In this way, the extracted features better fit the distribution of unlabeled data, thereby generating high-quality pseudo-labels. Extensive experiments show that our proposed SSFA is applicable to various pseudo-label-based SSL learners and significantly improves performance in labeled, unlabeled, and even unseen distributions.
Supplementary Material: zip
Submission Number: 9840