JAMUN: Transferable Molecular Conformational Ensemble Generation with Walk-Jump Sampling

Published: 13 Oct 2024, Last Modified: 01 Dec 2024AIDrugX PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Proteins, Ensembles, Conformations, Thermodynamics, Generative
TL;DR: We present JAMUN, a new model for generating conformational ensembles for small proteins at rapid rates.
Abstract: Conformational ensembles of protein structures are immensely important both to understanding protein function, and for drug discovery in novel modalities such as cryptic pockets. Current techniques for sampling ensembles are computationally inefficient, or do not transfer to systems outside their training data. We present walk-Jump Accelerated Molecular ensembles with Universal Noise (JAMUN), a step towards the goal of efficiently sampling the Boltzmann distribution of arbitrary proteins. By extending Walk-Jump Sampling to point clouds, JAMUN enables ensemble generation at orders of magnitude faster rates than traditional molecular dynamics or state-of-the-art generators. Further, JAMUN is able to predict the stable basins of small peptides that were not seen during training.
Submission Number: 114