Recent Internationalization Developments in VIVOOpen Website

19 May 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)VIVO2020 aspresentationReaders: Everyone
TL;DR: Current, community-driven work with internationalization in core VIVO will result in new capabilities, such as language-aware editing.
Abstract: Initiated by a local development effort at the University of Quebec in Montreal, a series of VIVO community sprints has focused on extending VIVO’s internationalization features to include the ability to add and edit content in VIVO in a language-aware manner. The sprints, which started in April 2020 and are scheduled to run through July 2020, have had engagement from 10 participants representing five institutions. The internationalization updates allow for inputting/editing data properties in the VIVO user interface, and depending on the language context selected, the data is tagged with the appropriate language annotation. As a result, when pages in the VIVO user interface are viewed, not only does the static text on the pages reflect the selected language context, but now the data does as well. The following languages are being added and/or updated in this current effort: - fr_CA - fr_FR - de_DE - en_US - en_CA - zh_CN As a part of this internationalization effort, the process for installing and enabling language bundles has been simplified for system administrators.
Keywords: I18n, Internationalization, Editing, Installation, Configuration
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