Efficient Action-Constrained Reinforcement Learning via Acceptance-Rejection Method and Augmented MDPs
Keywords: Reinforcement learning, action constraints
Abstract: Action-constrained reinforcement learning (ACRL) is a generic framework for learning control policies with zero action constraint violation, which is required by various safety-critical and resource-constrained applications. The existing ACRL methods can typically achieve favorable constraint satisfaction but at the cost of either high computational burden incurred by the quadratic programs (QP) or increased architectural complexity due to the use of sophisticated generative models. In this paper, we propose a generic and computationally efficient framework that can adapt a standard unconstrained RL method to ACRL through two modifications: (i) To enforce the action constraints, we leverage the classic acceptance-rejection method, where we treat the unconstrained policy as the proposal distribution and derive a modified policy with feasible actions. (ii) To improve the acceptance rate of the proposal distribution, we construct an augmented two-objective Markov decision process (MDP), which include additional self-loop state transitions and a penalty signal for the rejected actions. This augmented MDP incentives the learned policy to stay close to the feasible action sets. Through extensive experiments in both robot control and resource allocation domains, we demonstrate that the proposed framework enjoys faster training progress, better constraint satisfaction, and a lower action inference time simultaneously than the state-of-the-art ACRL methods.
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Primary Area: reinforcement learning
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Submission Number: 1396