Differentiable Learning of Graph-like Logical Rules from Knowledge GraphsDownload PDF

28 Sept 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: knowledge graph, logical rules, logical query
Abstract: Logical rules inside a knowledge graph (KG) are essential for reasoning, logical inference, and rule mining. However, existing works can only handle simple, i.e., chain-like and tree-like, rules and cannot capture KG's complex semantics, which can be better captured by graph-like rules. Besides, learning graph-like rules is very difficult because the graph structure exhibits a huge discrete search space. To address these issues, observing that the plausibility of logical rules can be explained by how frequently it appears in a KG, we propose a score function that represents graph-like rules with learnable parameters. The score also helps relax the discrete space into a continuous one and can be uniformly transformed into matrix form by the Einstein summation convention. Thus, it allows us to learn graph-like rules in an efficient, differentiable, and end-to-end training manner by optimizing the normalized score. We conduct extensive experiments on real-world datasets to show that our method outperforms previous works due to logical rules' better expressive ability. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our method can learn high-quality and interpretable graph-like logical rules.
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One-sentence Summary: We propose the first method which can learn from graph-like logical rules, thus can better capture complex semantics in knowledge graphs.
Reviewed Version (pdf): https://openreview.net/references/pdf?id=LxbN_ltfFg
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