Feature Subset Selection Using the Wrapper Method: Overfitting and Dynamic Search Space TopologyOpen Website

1995 (modified: 02 Mar 2020)KDD 1995Readers: Everyone
Abstract: Feature Subset Selection Using the Wrapper Method: Overfitting and Dynamic Search Space Topology Ron Kohavi and Dan Sommerfield, Stanford University In the wrapper approach to feature subset selection, a search for an optimal set of features is made using the induction algorithm as a black box. The estimated future performance of the algorithm is the heuristic guiding the search. Statistical methods for feature subset selection including forward selection, backward elimination, and their stepwise variants can be viewed as simple hill-climbing techniques in the space of feature subsets. We utilize best-first search to find a good feature subset and discuss overfitting problems that may be associated with searching too many feature subsets. We introduce compound operators that dynamically change the topology of the search space to better utilize the information available from the evaluation of feature subsets. We show that compound operators unify previous approaches that deal with relevant and irrelevant features. The improved feature subset selection yields significant improvements for real-world datasets when using the ID3 and the Naive-Bayes induction algorithms. This page is copyrighted by AAAI. All rights reserved. Your use of this site constitutes acceptance of all of AAAI's terms and conditions and privacy policy.
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