Dockerizing VIVO
Keywords: docker, container, deployment
TL;DR: Docker is used for flexible and portable deployment of VIVO with containers.
Abstract: Docker is a platform for the development, deployment and running of applications with containers. A container bundles all the necessary files of an application, and all containers are run by a single operating system kernel, thus more lightweight and efficient than virtual machines. The key advantages of containers are flexibility and portability.
We use docker to deploy the VIVO version 1.10 on Linux servers. There is a Docker Community Edition (CE) that's available for free. For enterprises or business critical applications, there are Enterprise editions. We use Docker CE.
The base image is Alpine, which is a security-oriented, lightweight Linux distribution based on mysl libc and busybox. Alpine is very small, its latest docker image is only 5.53MB. We dockerize VIVO version 1.10 along with MySQL.
Submission Type: workshop proposal
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