NLMs: Augmenting Negation in Language Models

Published: 07 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 01 Dec 2023EMNLP 2023 FindingsEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Submission Type: Regular Long Paper
Submission Track: Language Modeling and Analysis of Language Models
Submission Track 2: Interpretability, Interactivity, and Analysis of Models for NLP
Keywords: Language Models, Negation
TL;DR: In this work, we augment negation understanding in Language Models.
Abstract: Negation is the fundamental component in a natural language that reverses the semantic meaning of a sentence. It plays an extremely important role across a wide range of applications, yet they are underrepresented in pre-trained language models (LMs), resulting often in wrong inferences. In this work, we try to improve the underlying understanding of the negation in the pre-trained LMs. To augment negation understanding, we propose a language model objective with a weighted cross-entropy loss and elastic weight consolidation regularization. We reduce the mean top 1 error rate for BERT-base to 1.1\%, BERT-large to 0.78\%, RoBERTA-base to 3.74\%, RoBERTA-large to 0.01\% on the negated LAMA dataset. It minimizes the BERT error rate by a margin of 8\% and also outperform the existing negation models. We also provide empirical evidences that negated augmented models outperform the classical models on original as well as negation benchmarks on natural language inference tasks.
Submission Number: 3072